stream_hacks to main #2

skeh merged 8 commits from stream_hacks into main 2024-12-11 03:22:13 +00:00
1 changed files with 4 additions and 3 deletions
Showing only changes of commit c9db70f57d - Show all commits

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@ -110,10 +110,11 @@ class Process(TransformProcess):
# Convert spherical coordiates to quaternions
# Based on
quats = np.array([np.cos(pha/2) * np.cos(theta/2),
np.sin(pha/2) * np.cos(theta/2),
-np.sin(pha/2) * np.sin(theta/2),
np.cos(pha/2) * np.sin(theta/2),
-np.sin(pha/2) * np.sin(theta/2)]).T
return [Quaternion(*quat) for quat in quats], aspect_ratio
np.sin(pha/2) * np.cos(theta/2)]).T
quat_arr = [Quaternion(*quat) for quat in quats]
return quat_arr, aspect_ratio
def process(self):
landmarks = self._inputs['landmarks'].get()