1 Configuration
Derek Schmidt edited this page 2018-06-12 18:42:20 +00:00

The configuration file (by default, config.json) can contain any of the following objects


The providers object describes "sources" as RSS feeds and a regex used to parse the title of each feed entry.

This regex should, at very least, provide the following named groups:

  • name: the name of the show / entity that the entry is for.
  • episode: the name of the episode / revision that the entry is for.

Optional (but recomended) named groups:

  • quality: the resolution of program. Recognizes a range of ways this is written, such as "1080p", "4k", "HDTV", and so on.
  • encoding: the format that the program is encoded in. Currently unused.
  • encoder: the username / indetifier of the entity responsible for encoding / distributing the program. Currently unused.


Configures if / how the script communicates to your transmission instance. By default, the script will simply output magnets / torrent urls to stdout.

You can enable this feature with all defaults by simply adding

"rpc": true

to your config. However, plenty of configuration is possible for non-default setups.

  • address: the base url (ie, without /transmission/rpc) where your transmission server is listening. Defaults to localhost
  • port: the port at which your transmission rpc server is listening. Defaults to 9091
  • user: the username to use if your server requests authentication.
  • password: the password to use if your server requests authentication. WARNING: Currently stored in plain text
  • http_handler: I actually have no idea what this does but it was in the spec for transmissionrpc so if you do then go nuts.
  • timeout: the timeout duration to use when contacting the server.


Wants is an array full of the programs you wish to download. At minimum, you must supply:

  • name: The name of the program. Checked against the output of the name group on your regex.

You can optionally provide:

  • min-quality: the minimum acceptable resolution. Anything under this will be filtered out.
  • target-quality: Filters out all other qualities except the one specified here.
  • destination: The directory to put the file in when completed, relative to transmission's download-dir
    • Python-style string formating is also avalible, with both a show and torrent object. ex "{show.name}/{torrent.encoder}/"
    • Paths will be created recursively if they do not exist.